• Stable, Tier 1 jurisdiction: Yukon, Canada.
  • Home to numerous producing copper and gold mines owned by some of the world’s most recognized miners.
  • Under-explored with world-class discovery potential.
  • Year-round access and work programs.
  • Good road and drill access network established. 
  • Grid hydro power – potential for low emission copper production.
  • Lower cost production – proximity to Whitehorse for low Capex access to existing accommodation and core yard.
  • Skilled local workforce – experienced providers, vendors and local laboratories.
Gladiator's Whitehorse Copper Project is located in Canada's renowned Whitehorse Copper Belt.


Cowley Park - Cornerstone Prospect, 300+ holes drilled:

  • High-grade copper-molybdenum mineralization over  ~700 m strike, 1.5% - 2%+ average grades, broad widths, open in all directions.

Chiefs Trend (Middle Chief & Little Chief):

  • Shallow, high-grade copper-gold mineralization.

Cub Trend (including Gem, Keewenaw , Black Cub South):

  • High-grade copper mineralization identified.

Arctic Chief Trend (including Best Chance and Grafter):

  • Prospective high-grade zones of copper-gold mineralization.

Jackson (including Madison, Hamilton, Janet and Franklin):

  • Highly prospective, high-grade copper mineralization identified.


  • High-grade historical copper production by Hudbay Mining:
  • >10Mt @ c1.5% Cu  produced (plus Au/Ag credits)
  • Open pit (1967-1971) and Underground (1972-1982)
  • 30 known deposits/prospects within a contiguous 35km x 5km area
  • No modern exploration since 1982, when an economic downturn and depressed copper prices resulted in mine closure.
  • The Cowley Park prospect reached Feasibility stage before the mine was closed – as a result, it was never mined.
  • All previous operations and residual reserves open along strike and down dip.


  • High-grade, near surface shallow copper-molybdenum skarn system intersected over > 700 metres of strike.
  • Drilling completed by Gladiator has confirmed broad widths and continuity of copper-molybdenum mineralization from near surface consistent with historical results.
  • Mineralization remains open along strike and down dip in all directions.
  • A new copper-molybdenum mineralization zone (CPG-015) from 204m was discovered 50 metres south and underneath of the historical drilling area, highlighting the potential exploration upside and under-explored nature of Cowley Park.

Drill results have indicated high-grade copper skarn mineralization open along strike and at depth, including:

The first assay results from a 13,000 metre drill campaign were received in early October 2024.

  • Assay results were received for four shallow holes. Results include:
  • CPG-035: 8m @ 2.57% Cu and 0.15% Mo (3.72%CuEq) from 8m plus 14m @ 1.31% Cu (1.57% CuEq) from 72m within109.77m @ 0.77% Cu (1.05% CuEq) from 4.23m
  • CPG-032: 30m @ 1.48% Cu and 0.13% Mo (1.72%CuEq) from 56m within 48m @ 1.08% Cu (1.72% CuEq) from 38m
  • CPG-031: 8m @ 1.48% Cu and 0.13% Mo (2.40% CuEq)from 87m within 52m @ 0.74% Cu (1.08% CuEq) from 77m
  • CPG-034: 6m @ 2.42% (3.15%CuEq) from 9m within 14m @ 1.22% Cu (1.60% CuEq) from 7m
  • Copper and molybdenum mineralization at Cowley Park remains open along strike and down dip in all directions.
  • These assay results continue to demonstrate the continuity of near surface, high grade copper mineralization at Cowley Park and support the economic potential of complimentary co products to copper mineralization including molybdenum, gold and silver.
  • This drilling is part of Gladiator’s dual strategy of advancing Cowley Park towards resource definition and targeting the upside potential of the known mineralization. Results from the remaining 28 completed drill holes are pending.

Figure 1: Section A-A’ through the Cowley Park prospect looking 280o showing all Gladiator drilling and all recently returned assay results and interpreted granite-skarn boundary. Section A-A’ is marked in the image below (Fig 2), for reference.

In addition, recent sampling of previously unassayed or partially assayed historical drill core from Cowley Park completed prior to the current diamond drill campaign returned significant intervals:

  • CP-140: 10.80m @ 3.64% Cu (4.31% CuEq) from 35.2m within 45m @ 1.36% Cu (1.76% CuEq) from 29m
  • CP-145: 38m @ 1.10% Cu (1.61% CuEq) from 23m
  • CP-147: 11.90m @ 1.05% Cu (1.13% CuEq) from 60.85m
  • CP-150: 17.18m @ 1.00% Cu (1.25% CuEq) from 86.94m and 9m @ 1.05% Cu (1.59% CuEq) from 112m

Figure 2: Plan map of Cowley Park over LIDAR DTM. Gladiator drill collars colored by sum Cu% x Length (m), historical collars marked. Drill results subject to this release highlighted only.


  • The Little Chief prospect is the largest historically producing mine in the Whitehorse Copper Belt.

  • Total mined production: 8.54 million tons grading at >1.5% Copper and ~0.75 g/t gold.
  • Mineralization at Little Chief appears to be intact and open to the south, down plunge and up dip.
  • Limited testing of “Up Dip” extensions to the mineralization conducted due to being predominantly drilled from underground, little surface drilling.
  • Drilling prior to 1982 mine closure is limited and has not closed off the unmined high-grade mineralization at Middle Chief and Little Chief.
  • Scope for further testing between Middle Chief and Little Chief.


  • Historic drilling completed from underground drives.
  • Compiled historical data indicates a significant body of shallow mineralization (120m below surface) may exist at the Middle Chief prospect.
  • Minimal drilling has been completed from surface, significant potential for “up dip” mineralization remains. Best historic results include:

  • Gladiator commenced a diamond drill program at the Middle Chief Prospect in early 2024.
  • Mineralization now defined over  > 500 metres of strike.

  • Drill results received for 20 holes (4,794 metres) returned significant copper and gold mineralization, including:


  • Two shallow open-cut pits ~4 km NW of Little Chief with high tenor Au, established in transition from surface to underground mining.

  • Recent drone magnetics and rock chip sampling has significantly upscaled the potential of mineralization along strike.
  • Historically known for high Au, supported by rock chip sampling:

  • The Arctic Chief Trend includes the Best Chance & Grafter Prospects, where unmined historical drill results have indicated mineralization that remains open along strike and at depth (see map).

  • Collation of historic drilling data at the Arctic Chief identified unmined zones of mineralization, including:


  • The Cub Trend comprises significant mineralization intersected in drilling over a strike of > 1.2km associated with a magnetic high feature.

  • Small open-cut operations were completed at Keewenaw and Black Cub South & pre-stripping was undertaken at Gem prior to the closure of the Little Chief Mine.
  • Gladiator collated historical drill data from previously mined & unmined zones at the Cub Trend, near Cowley Park. Significant intersects included:

  • Defining > 20 Mt @ 1.5% CuEq in Resources (Inferred > Indicated).
  • Fast-paced news flow from the drill bit.
  • Maintain a clear line of sight on future resource growth.
  • Dominate local and regional tenement.
  • Demonstrate best class community relations and environmental standards.


  • New South Wales, Australia has a gold endowment* exceeding 3252 tonnes (t)/ 104 million ounces (Moz)
  • Host to a diverse range of gold deposit types, with gold being produced as either the principal commodity (e.g.
    Cadia ,Cowal) or as a by-product (e.g. Northparke)
  • The Koonenberry Belt is now interpreted to be a Cambrianarc built on the rifted margin of Gondwana and the northern extension of the Lachlan Orogen, where it is covered by younger sequences


The Koonenberry North Project is located in the northwestern part of New South Wales, within a 200km long NW‐trending belt.

Historical exploration

• 1960s to 1990s: Sporadic exploration focused on gold, copper and base metals, predominantly in the Grasmere and Wertago areas. Encouraging drill intersections, but tenements relinquished due to poor economic conditions

• Since 2000: The Geological Survey of New South Wales (“GSNSW”) completed regional geological mapping, high-resolution geophysical data acquisition and deep seismic reflection surveys. Numerous regolith and baseline geochemistry studies in the Koonenberry Belt. Major advancements in the understanding of the geological history of the Koonenberry Belt.

• Apart from stream sediment sampling programs, most of the prospecting and surface sampling within the Koonenberry Belt has taken place over areas to the south of the Bangles ELs.


The Koonenberry Belt is interpreted to be prospective for a range of commodities (Gilmore & Greenfield, 2015) including:

• VMS Cu–Zn–Ag–Au

• Turbidite‐hosted orogenic Au

• Orthomagmatic Ni–Cu–PGE

• Epithermal Ag–Pb–Cu

• Porphyry Cu–Au

• MVT/stratiform Pb–Zn–Ag

The basement to the Koonenberry belt consists of rocks belonging to the Curnamona Province of the Early Proterozoic Broken Hill Block (Willyama Supergroup), which is extensively mineralized elsewhere in western and central NSW.  


The exploration rationale is based on the perceived prospectivity for turbidite‐hostedorogenic Au deposits.

• Primary targets: High grade quartz‐gold veins, which occur throughout the region

• Secondary targets: VMS copper‐zinc (+/‐ silver, gold), orthomagmatic Ni‐Cu‐PGE, epithermal Ag‐Pb‐Cu and MVT/stratiform Pb‐Zn‐Ag deposits

All of these styles have been identified within the Koonenberry Belt by geologists from the NSW Geological Survey (Gilmore, 2010).


Thomson Airborne completed an airborne magnetics and radiometrics survey over the Koonenberry North Project area during March 2021.

6,902.2 line kilometres over three blocks covering EL9050 and EL9062 only

The E‐W traverse lines were spaced at 100m intervals, with a mean terrain clearance of 45m.

N‐S tie lines were spaced at 1,000m intervals.

The survey utilized a Geometrics G822Amagnetometer and a Radiations Solutions RS400 spectrometer. A base station magnetometer was used to determine diurnal fluctuations.

Figure1: EL9050, airborne magnetics RTP draped over regional geology Malachite Resources drillholes shown in the southeastern part of EL9050

EL9062, airborne magnetics RTP draped over regional geology

The following information was obtained:

• Digital Terrain Model (DTM)

• Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI)

• Rotated to Pole magnetics (RTP)

• First vertical derivative of magnetic intensity (1VD)

• Second vertical derivative of magnetic intensity (2VD)

• Radiometrics (K, Th, U & Total count)